Table Talk

Table Talk II is a free weekly devotional that provides writings for use as a bulletin insert for congregations and for use in family devotions. It follows the historic one-year lectionary drawn from the Lutheran Service Book commonly used in Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) congregations. ILT makes it available every week, free of charge, on our Resources page and by email subscription. Table Talk II’s message delivers God’s devotion to you, his wayward people, through his Son Jesus Christ.

Feel free to download the one-year lectionary reading list by clicking on the button below.

One-Year Lectionary

The Day of Pentecost, May 19, 2024

What can we say about heaven?  Is it a physical location far and away above us according to the words, “and they looked up to the heavens?”  Is it a place of thought or of hope?  Or, perhaps, we can say that heaven is where God dwells… that place where the Father, Son, and Holy […]

The Seventh Sunday of Easter, May 12, 2024

Jesus is going away.  In this portion of the Gospel of John, Jesus is preparing his disciples for his going to the Father (Jn. 14:28).  He wants them to be well-prepared so that they don’t fall away (Jn. 16:1).  Four chapters of John’s Gospel (14, 15, 16 & 17), comprise Jesus’ Farewell Discourse.  In his […]

The Ascension of Our Lord, May 9, 2024

Jesus bestows a gift upon his disciples.  He opens their minds to understand the Scriptures (vs. 45).  Those disciples have been with him three years… three years and they still hadn’t understood.  They didn’t comprehend Jesus’ place in their own Scriptures and his fulfillment of what was written.  But now, Jesus is changing their title […]

The Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 5, 2024

The name of Jesus.  We sing it… we praise it… and now Jesus tells us, “Ask!”  Ask in the name of Jesus and the Father provides.  The Father provides with a purpose and that purpose is for our joy to be full.  What a blessing!  The New Testament gives plentiful witness to the name of […]

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